Exercising on an empty stomach or in a fasted state is gaining traction with a few people claiming that it helps with faster and more calorie burn. The idea behind working out in a fasted state is that when calories from a recent meal would not be readily available, the glycogen (primarily stored in the muscles and liver) would be used up first and then then body would turn to stored fat for energy. Some studies have shown that up to 20% more fat is torched up after 8 to 10 hours of fasting. But if you want to burn more calories and have oodles of weight to lose, would exercising on empty stomach help in the long run? Let’s see:

Can Exercising on Empty Stomach Burn More Calories

All forms of physical activity, from the very effective and easiest way to exercise, i.e., walking to laborious workout sweat session in the gym, every activity where you get to move your body, would burn calories. We just need to stop treating exercise as a way to punish the body and make it an enjoyable activity to look forward to, and exercising on empty stomach sap away all motivation.

As mentioned above, while certain studies have shown increased calorie burn when performed in a fasted state, experts say it may not be ideal because during an intense workout session, the body would begin to breakdown muscle along with stored fat. When you exercise on an empty stomach, your body first burns carbs, then protein, and only then reaches out to stored fat! When you start losing muscle along with fat, after a certain point of time, metabolism will eventually slow down since muscles are metabolically active and burn calories even at rest. (Fact: People with more muscle burn more calories even when not exercising). So, your priority should be to conserve muscle and build some more for permanent weight loss, otherwise you would hit plateau after a short period of time and fat burning from there would become a tad bit difficult. Also read: “8 Different Ways To Push your Body To Burn Fat.”

A few studies have also shown that exercise when done in a fasted state increases fat burning during the workout, but does not result in greater fat loss overall. It’s also worth noting that in a fasted state, people tend to overcompensate by eating more food later on.

Also, most people may not be able to perform to their best in a fasted state and may need a pre-workout to get the most out of a workout session. They may experience low stamina and feel lightheaded quickly with lower motivation to exercise.

Summing up, it’s essential to find a middle ground – having a light snack before exercise, maybe a few nuts or a protein-rich energy bar, even a fruit like a banana or an apple would help to have a good workout session. Having a protein-rich pre-workout snack can actually help you to repair and build muscle and get that dream body (remember more muscle means higher calorie burn). People with diabetes and other medical conditions should consult their doctor prior to making any significant changes to their exercise routine. Also read: “7 High-Protein Snacks To Boost Weight Loss.”

So, whether or not you are doing it on empty stomach, any form of exercise or physical activity is great for weight loss, but only when coupled with a healthy and balanced diet plan. If you want to lose oodles of weight, diet plays a larger role, because weight loss is all about 80% and 20% exercise, with diet playing a much more significant role. For diet plans that target body fat and help shed extra weight, subscribe to the Rati Beauty app and also find exercise routines that can be done in the comfort of your home.

8 Different Ways To Push your Body To Burn Fat
7 High-Protein Snacks To Boost Weight Loss