Truckers block the US border, towing companies show support

The Canadian “Freedom Convoy” has spread to the U.S. border with Alberta, where local towing companies have refused to help authorities quell the protest.

“By joining the Freedom Convoy, which traveled to Ottawa in protest of COVID vaccine mandates and restrictions, a number of truck drivers formed a blockade on the Canada-US border in Coutts, Alberta,” according to Rebel News.

The truckers who closed the border in Coutts, Alberta, expressed support for the truckers who were protesting in the capital Ottawa. On Monday, officers at the border began diverting traffic elsewhere, even though negotiations were underway for truck drivers to allow one lane. The police have since resorted to hiring local towing companies to help dampen the protest, but the companies have refused to participate. In a speech to Western Standard, a worker with a towing company said they would lose support from local communities if they had to help police.

An anonymous worker said:

We have created relationships in our community and contracts that would be in jeopardy if we participate in any way. Many of these smaller businesses do not want to ruin their reputation in the communities they serve, so they do not want to get involved.

We have received calls here to supply our trucks, but we have also received calls from locals who do not want to identify themselves and ask if we plan to send trucks. When I said ‘no’ to them they said ‘well then we’ll keep supporting you’.

City Wide Towing in Calgary also said their tow trucks were present in Calgary to help people in need but will not be used to quell the protest.

“Our trucks will not be on their way outside Calgary today,” a City Wide call center employee told the business. “We will stay in Calgary to service the surrounding area.”

TnT Towing in Lethbridge declined to comment, saying they do not “want to be involved.”

Abe Martens from Xodus Car Transport said his company stands in solidarity with the hauliers.

“We are here with our trucks at the blockade, but we fully participate and support the hauliers,” Martens said.

CTV News reported on Tuesday that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) was slowly beginning to clear protesters out at the border.

“What may have begun as a peaceful assembly quickly turned into an illegal blockade,” the RCMP said in a press release, adding:

While the Alberta RCMP has been able to implement enforcement, we have been engaged with protesters at Coutt’s border crossing in an effort to find a peaceful and secure solution for all involved. We thought we had a way to a solution, the protesters eventually chose not to comply.

From (Tuesday) morning, further action will be taken by the Alberta RCMP as this blockade continues to hamper the ability of emergency services to provide full service to area residents. It has also adversely affected the flow of goods and services and hampered the free movement of the public.

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