Rep. Dan Goldman STILL pushing Hunter Biden laptop lies

Dems are still drinking the Russiagate Kool-aid, after every single element of that narrative has been debunked. 

Notably, Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) was proud as ever to flaunt his conspiracy-theorist colors at Thursday’s Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government hearing.

He tried to bully investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger — who’s done essential work exposing the ugly nexus of federal power and Big Tech compliance that created our contemporary censorship regime. 

Goldman boldly and falsely claimed, “The New York Post admitted here” that the copious evidence from Hunter Biden’s laptop of his shady acts “was not authenticated as real.” 

And that it could have somehow been “manipulated” by Russia. 

No: Even the First Son’s legal team has conceded the laptop was indeed Hunter’s — and the major media outlets who questioned The Post’s 100% accurate reporting have since confirmed the contents are authentic. The Post never “admitted” anything that questioned our stories.

Rep. Dan Goldman is still peddling Hunter Biden laptop lies.
Rep. Dan Goldman is still peddling Hunter Biden laptop lies. Reuters

But that’s not enough for Goldman. Like his spiritual ancestors in the John Birch Society, he sees a Red under every bed. 

Look, we get it. 

Goldman’s a rich kid (an heir to the Levi Strauss fortune) who lucked into national media stardom and then political office by serving as lead counsel during Trump’s first impeachment hearing. 

Without Russiagate, he’s literally nothing. 

So he has a deep interest in keeping afloat the bogus claims that any bad news for Biden must come from the Russians. 

But he and every other conspiracy-addled ideologue among the national Democrats lost the argument with reality on this issue a long time ago.

The laptop, and all it contains, are real. End of story. 

It’s Russiagate that’s “manipulated” — entirely a product of disinformation operations funded by the 2016 Hillary campaign.

The fact that Goldman is even now pushing this lie shows how completely out of ideas he and his party are — and how terrified Biden’s second run at the presidency has them.