ASTP has taken your valuable feedback and we are proud to unveil the newly redesigned Standards Implementation & Testing Environment (SITE)—your all-in-one testing hub for the ONC Health IT Certification Program (Certification Program). The updated SITE platform offers a more seamless and efficient user experience, empowering users to take full advantage of the system’s tools and resources. Whether you are validating certain interoperability capabilities or testing against certification criteria, SITE’s improvements will streamline your work and improve productivity.
Developers, here’s what’s new:
- A unified platform: Now, health IT developers can find all Certification Program conformance testing tools, general testing tools, and resources in one convenient location.
- User-friendly interface and messages: We’ve added new icons, visual markers, and a notifications panel to help guide you around the site with ease. Website error messages are now clearer and more consistent.
- Tools tagged by certification criteria: We’ve made it easier to locate the tools you need by labeling them with the applicable certification criterion name and number.
- Enhanced functionality: We’ve improved how you can interact with documentation—from saving to printing. Form validation has also been added to reduce errors and increase security.
One of our most significant changes is the integration of SITE and the Edge Testing Tool (ETT) into a single, cohesive platform. No more juggling between multiple websites for ASTP conformance testing tools and resources. In fact, SITE will be your one-stop-shop for all Certification Program conformance testing-related needs, including electronic prescribing, public health, and Inferno FHIR tools and resources.
We invite you to visit the modernized SITE platform to experience the enhancements!