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Birding offers chance
to connect with nature
Re: “Bay Area birdwatching tips for newbies” (Nov. 5).
I am writing to express my appreciation for the insightful article on birdwatching in the Bay Area. This informative piece not only piqued my curiosity but also equipped me with a treasure trove of valuable resources and tools, such as iNaturalist, that can be harnessed to gather and share data with scientific researchers while engaged in the fun activity of birdwatching. I would like to take a moment to thank the author for their outstanding efforts in compiling and sharing this invaluable information.
As someone who typically enjoys leisurely hikes in the area, this article served as an eye-opener. It shed light on a world of recreational opportunities including birdwatching that I had not previously considered. Given the region’s abundant natural resources and its rich diversity of bird populations, I am excited to discover an alternative way to forge a connection with the amazing natural beauty that surrounds us.
Marco Li
Palo Alto
Legislation could calm
winds of climate change
I have found myself often feeling spooked while observing the uncharacteristic winds of the day. I have been keenly aware of the uptick in my dancing backyard creatures: fig, apple, pear and lime trees — swaying back and forth. The winds are a telltale sign of atmospheric pressure changes (sometimes blowing over 40 mph in certain areas), wreaking environmental havoc and causing health hazards. We need to speed up the building of wind and solar farms across the United States and reduce our carbon emissions.
The Big Wires Act would enable faster transmission lines for wind and solar, better reliability (at no cost to taxpayers), reduce energy costs, reduce grid congestion during peak times (important for urgent power needs during climate-related disasters) and reach underserved rural communities.
Jenn Bulka
Redwood City
Oslo Accords set
a lasting framework
Re: “Why Oslo peace accords still have relevance” (Page A13, Nov. 5).
Thank you for the article from the Serge Schmemann of the New York Times editorial board, “Why Oslo Peace Accords Still Have Relevance,” describing the role of Yitzak Rabin and Yasser Arafat, two people who had believed in the need for violence to defend their claims.
They came together and agreed on a framework for recognizing both Israel and the Palestinian claims, and a framework for a two-state solution, reminding us that those who once saw themselves as enemies could find a peaceful solution.
The framework is still the same today.
John Jimenez